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  • MULL Rosé Sparkling 0% 750ml

    MULL Rosé Sparkling 0% 750ml
    16.00 AUD

    ALCOHOL FREE Sparkling made from Apples, Strawberries and Rhubarb A very stylish drink with perfectly balanced tasting notes. Contains 50% of pure juice full of vitamins. No additives or chemicals! ALCOHOL:...

  • MULL Rhubarb Sparkling 10% 750ml

    MULL Rhubarb Sparkling 10% 750ml
    21.00 AUD

    Delicious and elegant! Fresh and well-balanced sparkling wine made from rhubarb juice. Contains no artificial flavours or aromas. Perfect for any kind of celebration, as an aperitif or with light salads and snacks.Serve...


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